Depois de ler imensas reviews positivas a estes 4 produtos da marca My Label (Continente) e tendo em conta o preço muito acessível, decidi testar...
No geral todos os produtos me agradaram e cumpriram a sua missão. No entanto, as toalhitas desmaquilhantes e as bandas depilatórias faciais foram aqueles a que fiquei absolutamente rendida!
Fiquei surpreendida com a qualidade destes produtos cujos preços não ultrapassam os 3 eur. cada!
After reading lots of positive reviews for these four products of My Label brand and taking into account the very affordable price, I decided to test ...
Overall I liked all the products and they fulfill their mission. However, the Make-up wipes removers and the depilatory facial bands were those to which was absolutely rendered!
I was surprised with the quality of these products whose prices do not exceed 3 eur. each!
Overall I liked all the products and they fulfill their mission. However, the Make-up wipes removers and the depilatory facial bands were those to which was absolutely rendered!
I was surprised with the quality of these products whose prices do not exceed 3 eur. each!
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