quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

House Of Harlow VS Stradivarius

House Of Harlow


Louis Vuitton Ankle Booties

Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Comprinhas Kiko

Estou a adorar este corrector da Kiko, baratinho como se quer (cerca de 7 euros) e com uma boa cobertura :) Nunca tinha experimentado nada desta marca, fiquei encantada com  os produtos, e os preços são muito acessíveis!!!
Comprei também duas sombras e dois vernizes muito fofos:

Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011



Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011


Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

Mundo Animal

Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011

Orange Fever


Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

Also, checkout my other blog here                   

Love, Love, Love


Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011



Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

Encomenda E-Bay

Já vos tinha dito que me apaixonei pelo anel com a raposita, e por isso acabei por encomendá-lo, juntamente com outras coisinhas: um fio, alguns anéis e uma miniatura do High Beam da Benefit.
Depois mostro!

Loved the Look

Grey by Gucci

Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011


Olá meninas,

Hoje ao arrumar a minha maquilhagem deparei-me com alguns produtos a que dei muito pouco uso e tive uma ideia, que não sei se vão achar  piada, mas aqui vai... Como acho que os produtos ainda estão bastante usáveis, decidi fazer um sorteio, para quem estiver interessado ;)

São dois produtos da ELF:

1. Elf Studio Golden Bronzer;
2. Elf Studio Eye Transformer;

As regras são as seguintes:

. Têm que seguir o blogue;
. Deixar um comentário;
. O concurso termina dia 31 de Agosto de 2011;
. O resultado será publicado no blogue.

Boa sorte a todos os participantes!!!

Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.


Por este anel com a raposita, que é tão fofo...

Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.

quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011

Burburry Prorsum VS Primark

Looking for an inspiring yet meaningful book?
Check out my eBook "All-Around Authenticity: A Guide for a Meaningful Life" – a blend of the outer and inner world, with practical insights and inspiration to help you embrace your true self.


All-Around Authenticity Book

    You can find it here:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DNN67N9Z